Saint Louis Ambassadors
Volunteers promoting community service and goodwill in St. Louis...since 1965!
Saint Louis Ambassadors
Volunteers promoting community service and goodwill in St. Louis...since 1965!

Young Professionals
Young Professionals
The Young Professionals will engage individuals from all walks of life in the St. Louis Region who are age 21 to 39 and are the future of the Saint Louis Ambassadors organization. They will be officially launched on August 18, 2014 and work closely with the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundations 'Under Forty Organization'. which was officially established on March 14, 2002 by Frank Ferrara, the President of the Saint Louis Ambassadors. To support Mr. Ferrara that evening at the launch ceremony was MO Governor Bob Holden, St. Louis City Mayor Francis Slay, St. Louis County Executive 'Buzz' Westfall, Archbishop Justin Rigali with emcees Julius Hunter & Vicki Newton from KMOV TV-4 and nearly one thousand attendees.
Their goal will be to establish a set of officers, an executive committee and an advisory board by January 1, 2014 so they can support the Junior Achievement of Greater St. Louis who works annually with 800 K-12 schools, 140K students and 7800 volunteer instructors who teach classes on financial literacy and entrepreneurship.
If you have interest in joining the Saint Louis Ambassadors 'Young Professionals' volunteer team just contact their President, Rachel Boone, and forward your bio to rachel@trileafdesigns.com or call the President of the Saint Louis Ambassadors, Rich Pisani, at 314-952-2640 to arrange a meeting with him and Rachel Boone.

St. Louis Cardinals MLB 'Hall of Famer - 1984', Lou Brock, congratulates Rachel Boone for her appointment on 8-18-14 as the new Chairman of the Young Ambassadors, as well as the President of the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundation's 'Under Forty Organization'. Lou & Jackie Brock were the 'Honorary Co-Chairs' of the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundation in 2006 and 2007 and had a very positive impact on the organization and its younger members.
Lou and Jackie Brock also helped us realize that our group should spread good will and extend
community service through volunteerism beyond the City of St. Louis and spread our support and assistance throughout the entire sixteen county St. Louis Bi-State Region, which is now the 19th. largest economic engine in the U.S. with 2.8M residents and 193K businesses that support over one thousand local charities.
Photo: (L/R) Rachel Boone - Chairman of the Young
Ambassadors with St. Louis Cardinals 'Hall of Famer -
1984' and MLB All-Star, Lou Brock.

Mo State Representative, Rick Stream, from the 90th District in St. Louis was the guest speaker at our Monday morning gathering at Mimi's Café on Monday, August 25. About thirty business owners and their top-tier managers that are core-group members of the Saint Louis Ambassadors, the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundation and the U.S. Small Business Institute have been meeting every non-holiday Monday in the restaurants private dining room since March of 2007 for some very casual networking. Also, the members from the three all-volunteer organizations keep each other 'in the loop' on all the community service activities that each group is sponsoring to solicit volunteers to help local small businesses & charitable foundations that need consulting, coaching and mentoring...at no charge.
Photo: (L/R) Rich Pisani - President of the Saint Louis
Ambassadors, MO State Rep - Rick Stream, Rachel
Boone - Chairman of the Young Ambassadors, Curtis
Turner - Advisory Board Member and Cicardi Bruce -
Chairman of the Saint Louis Ambassadors.

Photo: (L/R)
Kneeling: Rich Pisani and Doc Jim Logan
Standing: Tommie Pierson, Mark Kasen, John Parker, Rachel Hankerson, Rachel Boone, Susan and Cicardi Bruce
The group gathered to archive a photo to show support for the Young Ambassadors President, Rachel Boone,
and to launch WFRG: Ferguson/USA 'Hot Talk Radio', which is the new internet radio station
powered by volunteers from the Saint Louis Ambassadors with a satellite studio at the
Greater St. Mark Family Church located in Ferguson, MO.
Young Ambassadors Leadership Team
Young Ambassadors Leadership Team

Launching the Young Professionals
Launching the Young Professionals
October 28, 2015
New 'CityArchRiver' Grounds
October 28, 2015
New 'CityArchRiver' Grounds
On Thursday, October 28, 1965 the construction of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial - now best known as the St. Louis Gateway Arch - was officially completed. Our St. Louis City Mayor, A.J. Cervantes, ordained us with a new nickname, which is the 'Gateway to the West', and launched the Saint Louis Ambassadors as an all-volunteer organization that would promote the City of Saint Louis as a great place to live, raise a family and do business. Plus, the group was to give recognition to those individuals and organizations that volunteered their time to improve the reputation of St. Louis.
On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 the Saint Louis Ambassadors '50th. Anniversary' leadership team will host a 'ribbon cutting' with the Young Ambassadors and the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundation they gave launched on March 14, 2002. This gathering will celebrate the new $400M St Louis Gateway Arch grounds 'expansion project' named CityArchRiver 2015. We will salute our national monument with pride, celebrate its 50th Anniversary and walk the new three block long continuous 'green-way' without a curb or step from Kiener Plaza, through the legs of the St. Louis Arch and finally overlook the western bank of our Mighty Mississippi River to capture this historic day on behalf of our entire all-volunteer group. We will start our City-Arch-River trek at Kiener Plaza that got its named in honor of Harry J. Kiener who was born in St. Louis on February 27, 1881. He was a boxer, wrestler, swimmer and runner on the U.S. III Olympics team, which was held in St. Louis held at the athletic fields of Washington University during the seven month long 1904 World's Fair at Forest Park. Harry J. Kiener died in 1960 at the age of 80. We will walk pass the Old Court House, which is part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial park. The land for the courthouse was in-part donated by St. Louis City co-founder, Auguste Chouteau and was the site of the famous Dred Scott 'slavery-freedom' case and the Virginia Minor 'women's right to vote' case. Then we will enjoy walking through the Luther Ely Smith Square – between the Old Courthouse and the Arch Grounds – which is named for the man who conceived the memorial on the riverfront, sought and donated funds, and organized the original design competition in 1947. Then we will walk on the 'park over the highway' of Interstate 70 and end our trip under the legs of the spellbinding St. Louis Arch. This one hour ceremonial walk will take place in order to remember and to thank those 'volunteers who came before us' that helped our fair city grow into a bi-state metro area that is now the 19th. most powerful economic engine in the U.S. that has 2.8M residents and 193K businesses that support over one thousand charities in our region. We will end our memorable journey with lunch at a great restaurant on Laclede's Landing, which is named after Pierre Laclede who is considered the founder of the City of St. Louis as a fur trading center in 1764...and St. Louis celebrated its '250th Birthday starting February 14, 2014 and ending on February 14, 2015!