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   Click on the 'Gold Fleur de Lis' in the column on your left to view our new website at Saint Louis Sun, which can take you to our two online digital news publications, plus internet services at no charge!

  The 'Saint Louis Sun' newspaper rises this time! Our readers get 'fresh news twice daily' at noon and midnight at no charge from our local, national and global news sources. Our publication is powered by our all-volunteer group named the 'Saint Louis Ambassadors', which shares its '50th Birthday' with the St. Louis Arch on 10-28-15.

   Volunteer students majoring in Journalism & Mass Communication's support our new digital publication and we always need more columnists, reporters, photographers, editors and administrators because of student turn-over due to their graduation from higher-education. Also, if you are a business owner or a top-tier manager needing press for your firm or a journalism student needing a project apply for a position by calling me:

~ Click on pic to read online news ~

Richard T. Pisani, President

314-952-2640 (c)

636-537-7720 (o)


Our I-Net website:                                                 [We offer over 50 complimentary digital internet services to site visitors.]


Our I-Net e-paper:                                             [This e-newspaper covers local, national and global news twice daily.]

Our I-Net e-paper:                                     [This e-newspaper covers belief systems and religions of the world.]

Our I-Net e-paper:                          [This e-newspaper covers conservatives, liberals and independents]

Inet-Radio Stations:

Our I-Net e-radio:               [WSUN: Oldies But Goodies]

Our I-Net e-radio:                                                                                     [WFRG: Ferguson/USA 'Hot Talk Radio']

Our I-Net e-radio:                                                                                [ROCK: 'Radio for Everyone']

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch articles and Wikipedia History:

People Helping People...St. Louis Style!

Copyright & Trademark:

No copyright or trademark infringement is intended in the use of any brand names, logos, pictures or videos that have been retrieved from the internet and used on this SBI website. We will immediately remove your mark upon a request from any organization that does not want to be promoted in any page of this site. Please contact Rich Pisani at 314-952-2640 (c)

Electronic Communication:

The transmission of electronic mail to Richard T. Pisani, the president of the four organizations mentioned throughout this website, can be sent directly to This type of communication represents your consent to a two-way communication by internet e-mail with Rich Pisani from any of the four groups he volunteers with. If you receive an an email from him or one of the four organizations outlined below in error, please contact the sender and unsubscribe, request to be deleted from the email list and delete the material you received.

Sponsoring Organization & All-Volunteer Groups:

American Marketing Group, Inc. (, also known as AMG, is proud to be the main sponsor and a fiscal supporter of the Saint Louis Ambassadors (, which is an all-volunteer group that 'promotes community service and goodwill in the entire St. Louis Region' and was established as a Limited Liability Company in the State of Missouri that does not accept dues or funding from any source. Both entity's are advocates of two other all-volunteer groups, which are the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundation ( that raises funds for the Forest Park 'beautification program', the St. Louis Zoo 'special projects' and other local charities and the U.S. Small Business Institute, LLC ( that 'volunteers time to serve small businesses and charitable no charge'.

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