Saint Louis Ambassadors
Volunteers promoting community service and goodwill in St. Louis...since 1965!
Saint Louis Ambassadors
Volunteers promoting community service and goodwill in St. Louis...since 1965!
June 2015: Newsletter
June 2015: Newsletter
1) Weekly networking at its best!
1) Weekly networking at its best!
Help your business and favorite charity:
a)l Led by Cicardi Bruce (314-941-0779) & Rich Pisani (314-952-2640).
You and a guest are invited to attend a very casual networking session that’s been going on weekly since March of 2007. About 20 of us have been meeting every non-holiday Monday morning and we now gather in a private room at Mimi’s Café located in Chesterfield Valley directly in front of Sam’s Club (40 at Boones Crossing). We have no name, no agenda, no dress code, no dues and no attendance requirement. Simply buy your own coffee or breakfast and leave a tip for Shelly.
Attendees arrive between 8 and 8:30 am and depart between 9:30 and 10 am…announcements by all at 9 am. Many stay for private meetings afterwards to conduct business or charity, as well as get a weekly update on our three all-volunteer group’s events and projects. It’s a great way to make new friends, prospect for new clients and help your favorite non-profit!
Thanks and stop by with a guest anytime you can...no RSVP required!
NOTE: Call Rich Pisani at 314-952-2640 with any questions.
2) Updates and references:
2) Updates and references:
Websites for our volunteers use to get information:
a) Save these 4 ‘complimentary’ digital sites below as a ‘favorite’!
- http://www.SaintLouisAmbassadors.com …volunteering since 1965!
- http://www.US-SmallBusinessInstitute.com …volunteering since 1985!
- http://www.1904WorldsFairCharitableFoundation.com …volunteering since 2002!
- http://www.SaintLouisSun.com ...this will take you to over 50 ‘free’ digital sites!
a) This portal goes to our 3 internet radio stations with a ‘voice around the world’.
1) WFRG: Ferguson/USA ‘Hot Talk Radio’
2) WSUN: ‘Oldies But Goodies’
3) ROCK: ‘Radio for Everyone’
NOTE: Contact Mark Kasen at 314-609-0666 to volunteer your time as a show host.
b) This portal also goes to our 3 internet newspapers, which posts to 967K e-contacts daily.
Plus, Brandon Twitty is building an ‘APP’ for our newspapers…stay tuned!
1) Saint Louis Sun newspaper
2) St. Louis Globe-Democrat newspaper
3) The Trinity Tribune newspaper
NOTE: Contact John Parker at 314-363-1102 to volunteer your time as a columnist.
c) This portal also goes to our 50+ digital sites for your convenience…at no charge!
NOTE: contact Rich Pisani at 314-952-2640 with questions or to add a website.
3) Our 3 all-volunteer group’s history.
3) Our 3 all-volunteer group’s history.
Our history…and unification:
a) Led by the Saint Louis Ambassadors: (call Rich Pisani at 314-952-2640)
On October 28, 1965 the Mayor of St. Louis, A.J. Cervantes, hosted a ceremony to simultaneously announce three milestones in St. Louis’ history. First, he proclaimed that the construction of the outside stainless steel shell of the St. Louis Arch was complete. Second, he declared that the St. Louis Region was now officially ordained as the ‘Gateway to the West’ And third, the Mayor launched the Saint Louis Ambassadors as an all-volunteer organization comprised of diverse individuals who were civic leaders that would promote volunteerism, community pride and goodwill on behalf of the City of St. Louis.
The Saint Louis Ambassadors then sponsored the initial debut of the U.S. Small Business Institute on November 5, 1985 in a campaign effort to ‘Help Keep the SBA Alive.’ Our mission is ‘to give continued support to small businesses and charities with consulting, coaching and mentoring…at no charge.’
The Saint Louis Ambassadors also ignited the launch of the 1904 World’s Fair Charitable Foundation on March 14, 2002. It’s original goal was to host celebratory events throughout 2004 in Forest Park with grass roots support from a diverse group of volunteers in order to celebrate the ‘100 Year Anniversary’ of the 1904 World’s Fair & III Olympics, which was a complete success. Effective January 1, 2005 our mission is ‘to have our 501 (c)(3) all-volunteer public charity help plan events to support the Forest Park ‘beautification program,’ the St. Louis Zoo ‘special projects’ and other local charities.’
Effective 2015 the Saint Louis Ambassadors our mission statement will be ‘to continue as an all-volunteer group of diverse individuals, move forward as a symbolic group of civic leaders and promote volunteerism, community pride and goodwill throughout the entire St. Louis Region, which is the 19th largest economic engine in the U.S. with 2.8M residents and 193K businesses that support over 10K charities.’
On January 3, 2015 at our Saint Louis Ambassadors ’50 Year Golden Gala’ we saluted St. Louis Mayor, A.J. Cervantes, as our founder in 1965. Also, we formed a partnering effort with our two related organizations, which are the U.S. Small Business Institute and the 1904 World’s Fair Charitable Foundation. The 3 groups collectively have 1,249 volunteers that will support three projects together. First, they will work with the Ferguson Commission on their plan to ease racial tensions and promote the St. Louis Region as a great place to live, be educated and conduct business. Next, the groups will operate their 3 new Saint Louis Sun, The Trinity Tribune and St. Louis Globe-Democrat online newspapers and post ‘fresh news twice daily’ to 967K e-contacts. Plus, the organizations will establish a new internet radio station named Ferguson USA ‘Hot Talk’ Radio and all three entities will have a satellite office in Ferguson. Finally, they will co-host events to celebrate the ‘50th Anniversary’ of the St. Louis Arch and the Saint Louis Ambassadors.
4) Special event for board members and one guest…RSVP Required!
4) Special event for board members and one guest…RSVP Required!
Special event at a very special venue:
a) Led by John Parker as Event Chairman (314-363-1102)
We host six combined 'Cocktail Receptions & Board Meetings' for the Saint Louis Ambassadors, the U.S. Small Business Institute and the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundation every other month.
This next one will be on 7-13-15 and be held at the beautiful 43K s/f mansion of our new Honorary Board Members, Harold & Jill Lewis. This ‘one of a kind’ residence is one of the biggest in the U.S., is the largest of its type in the St. Louis Metro Region and is a spectacular venue for this special gathering. Their home overlooks Lake Saint Louis and is located at #5 Lake View Ct., Lake Saint Louis, MO 63367.
If you are an officer or board member you and one guest are invited. An RSVP is mandatory by June 9 at noon for a headcount to Joanie Bengston at jbengston@charter.net or call her at 314-401-6423 if you want to help on her committee to meet, greet, set up and/or tear down…it’s truly an unbelievable venue!
We will start at 6:30 pm with appetizers and drinks, hold a brief meeting and install new board members from 7:30 to 8:15…then continue networking until 9:30. Again, if you are an officer or board member of the 1904 World’s Fair Charitable Foundation, the U.S. Small Business Institute or the Saint Louis Ambassadors you are welcome to bring one guest and a appetizer to share...beverage is provided. No entry fee, but tips are welcome for our servers.
The purpose of these six bi-monthly events is to host ‘fun and enjoyable gatherings’ for our board members and their guests in order to build relationships, establish committee chairs /co-chairs /members, create team spirit, give deserved recognition, update all board members and their guests on events /projects /proposals, etc., as well as announce upcoming events /projects and answer all questions. In 2005 we stopped hosting our ‘standard board meetings’ at the Cabanne’ House conference room and decided to move to our Chairman’s beautiful home or another special venue to ‘network, eat, drink, have fun and get the job done…with a smile on everyone’s face!’
5) WFRG: Ferguson/USA ‘Hot Talk Radio’ meetings and tours!
5) WFRG: Ferguson/USA ‘Hot Talk Radio’ meetings and tours!
Launching ‘live, call-in, talk radio’:
a) Led by WFRG Station Manager, Mark Kasen (markkasen@yahoo.com).
Our new internet based radio station launched March 1, 2015 with Radio Host, Robert Namer from New Orleans. We go ‘live with call-in talk radio’ with Mark Kasen and his very own media team in St. Louis in July of 2015 at the Greater St. Mark Community Church in Ferguson 9950 Glen Owen Dr. Saint Louis, MO 63136 or call 314-388-1180 for directions.
July & August 2015 tours: You are welcome to attend the church services of Pastor Pierson on any Sunday from 10 am to noon, meet MO State Rep & Pastor Tommie Pierson and take a tour of our new WFRG satellite radio station. If you want a personal tour, be a regular guest on a specific topic, a co-host of a show or host of your very own show please call Mark Kasen at 314-609-0666.
NOTE: On June 1, 2015 our 16 member ‘Media Team’ toured the new Saint Louis Ambassadors WFRG: Ferguson ‘Hot Talk Radio’ station, which had been headquartered since March 1 with the Rock Radio at 1345 St. Albans Rd, St. Albans MO 63073 [636-675-6275]. Our new board member and Rock Radio Station owner, Mark Moebius, is a 30 year veteran of radio and owns this internet based station, which is now #1 in St. Louis on Facebook with ‘likes’ from 186K followers. The tour ended with a lunch meeting at Pappy’s Smokehouse Restaurant down the street from the stations. Our team will open the WFRG satellite radio studio in Ferguson in July of 2015, which will be ‘live, call-in, talk radio’ with a ‘voice to the world!
6) Community Through Unity’ meeting.
6) Community Through Unity’ meeting.
Helping the Ferguson Commission:
a) Led by Event Chairman, Rich Pisani (richpisani1904@yahoo.com).
The Saint Luis Ambassadors ‘core group’ meeting with a several Ferguson Commissioners and officials will be held at Brookes Bible College located at 10257 St Charles Rock Rd, St Ann, MO 63074 [(314) 773-0083] on a Saturday in August (to be determined) from 8:30 to noon…stay tuned in to your email. We will get an update from Dr. TR Carr, who is both a St. Louis County Police Commissioner and Ferguson Commissioner, regarding their STL Positive Change plan that will be unveiled to the public in its final format on 9-15-15. There is limited seating, so an RSVP is required to Rich Pisani at 314-952-2640.
7) The show goes on!
7) The show goes on!
Annual 'Car & Motorcycle Show':
a) Led by Sr. VP & Event Chairman, Doc Logan (doclogan7@gmail.com).
July 19, 2015: Dr. Jim Logan will again be the Event Chair for our 12th Annual 'Car & Motorcycle Show' at the World's Fair Pavilion in Forest Park across the street from the Bird Cage at the St. Louis Zoo. Registration starts at 9 am, the show starts at noon, and trophies are awarded starting at 4 pm. Call Doc Logan at 314-276-7822 if you want to enter your vehicle or volunteer your time. The proceeds benefit the 'Racing to Read Children’s Foundation’ to improve literacy in disadvantaged children.
8) Serving Veteran’s and children!
8) Serving Veteran’s and children!
Annual 'Golf Tournament':
a) Led by our Board Member & Event Chairman, Wayne Kaufman (wayworld11@gmail.com).
September 3, 2015: We are again supporting the Kaufman Fund golf tournament at Whitmoor Country Club, which starts at 10 am for registration and ends at 8 pm after the auction and dinner have concluded. If you want to volunteer or play in the tournament please call our board member and their President, Wayne Kaufman, at 314-753-8355 or email him at wayworld11@gmail.com.
9) St. Louis Arch turns 50!
9) St. Louis Arch turns 50!
'50th Anniversary' Golden Gala:
a) Led by our Sr. VP & Special Event Chairman, Fran Capra (fran0429@aol.com).
October 28, 2015: This is a once in a lifetime 'by invitation only' very special gathering of our officers, board members and guests at the Old Court House in the City of St. Louis...overlooking the Arch. 200 of us will celebrate the '50th Anniversary of both the St. Louis Gateway Arch and the launch of the Saint Louis Ambassadors. Tickets will be $95 (Bronze), $145 (Silver) and $195 (Gold). Our emcee for the event will be Y98 radio personality, Guy Phillips, with Congressman Lacey Clay and Congresswoman Ann Wagner as our Event Honorary Chairs. If you want to volunteer or attend please contact our Golden Gala Event Chair, Fran Capra, at 314-579-9111 or fran0429@aol.com.
10) History being documented!
10) History being documented!
Documentary ‘Sneak Preview(s)’:
a) Led by Documentarian, Ann Morrison (annsfilms@gmail.com).
Date(s) to be determined: ‘50th Anniversary’ of the St. Louis Arch [10-28-15] documentary showing will be hosted by Documentarian and owner of Ann’s Films, Ann Morrison. Stay tuned for the time, date and place for this ‘one of a kind’ historical presentation about the ‘50th Anniversary’ of the St. Louis Gateway Arch and the Saint Louis Ambassadors…both turn 50 on October 28, 2015!
As you’ve heard both our president, Rich Pisani, and Executive Board Member, Ann Morrison, state at all of our ‘Cocktail Receptions & Board Meetings’ since August 18, 2014 and the Documentary Team meetings a ‘partnering effort’ was established by and between Ann’s Films (a for profit company) and the 1904 World’s Fair Charitable Foundation (a 501 (c) (3 non-profit public charity). In return for help from Rich Pisani and support from our foundations volunteers Ann’s Film’s would donate fifty percent of the net proceeds (profits after cost of goods) from the sale of DVD’s and other marketing revenues from the film to the 1904 World’s Fair Charitable Foundation. Thereafter, those continued funds received from Ann’s Film’s (for the sales of the ‘50th Anniversary of the St. Louis Arch & the Saint Louis Ambassador documentary) by the charity will be donated to the Forest Park ‘beautification program’, the St. Louis Zoo and other local charities. Both the Saint Louis Ambassadors and the U.S. Small Business Institute, which are related organizations to the 1904 World’s Fair Charitable Foundation, are eagerly supporting this important historical film that Ann is producing…thank you Ann Morrison!
11) Annual 'Board Member & Guest Holiday Party':
11) Annual 'Board Member & Guest Holiday Party':
Holiday cheers and thank-you’s:
a) Led by Sr. VP of Events, Joanie Bengston (jbengston@charter.net).
December 5, 2015 (tentative): We host this black-tie-optional gathering as a combined event for the board members of the Saint Louis Ambassadors, the U.S. Small Business Institute and the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundation annually at the beautiful home of our Chairman and his wife, Cicardi & Susan Bruce, at 207 Tuma Lance, Chesterfield MO, 63005 (314-941-0779) We start at 7 pm with appetizers and drinks, hold a brief meeting and hand out recognition awards from 8:30 to 9 pm, and continue our holiday partying until 11 pm. Everyone is welcome to bring a guest and a their favorite hors d' oeuvres to share. The donation at the door is $25 per person, which includes all of your food, beverage, entertainment and lots of holiday spirit!
12) 3 organizations with 37 committees to join!
12) 3 organizations with 37 committees to join!
Help us help others:
a) Led by our President, Rich Pisani (richpisani1904@yahoo.com).
Visit http://www.saintlouisambassadors.com/committees-chairs to view one of the 37 Committees to see if you have any interest in joining that team to help our three groups help others in the St. Louis Region.