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~ 'Community Through Unity' ~

'Mentoring hope at a time!

Black & White keys play well together! 

Why can't Black & White people do the same?


     Effective January 3, 2015 the Saint Louis Ambassadors and the two organizations it launched in the past 50 years, which includes the U.S. Small Business Institute and the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundation, together launched the 'Community Through Unity' campaign, which is an all-volunteer effort designed to 'help the Ferguson Commission ease racial tensions and make St. Louis a better, safer and more harmonious place to live, be educated and conduct business.

     The officers and board members of these three groups have agreed to engage their Ambassadors 'Speakers Bureau' and their combined membership base of 1,249 volunteers in a specific trek to get the word out about the new plan of action to the entire bi-state region...municipality by municipality. Our volunteer speakers will make presentations and hand out brochures about the new STL Positive Change plan to over 300 groups, which includes Rotary, Lions, Optimist, Kiwanis, Chambers of Commerce, city councils, businesses, charities, schools, churches and local industry associations that need to understand and support the new plan that will be unveiled September 15, 2015.

     Our thanks goes to all of the men and women who volunteers in our three organizations that represent all walks of life in our St. Louis Bi-State Region, which now is home to 2.8M residents and 193K businesses that support over 1K charities...we couldn't do community service without your ongoing support!

Cicardi A. Bruce, Chairman

Richard T. Pisani, President

Our Leadership Team

Dr. James Logan

Sr. VP - Community Affairs

Saint Louis Ambassadors

~ Working with all community affairs groups ~

Rick Stream

Board Member - Regional Affairs Council Chairman

Saint Louis Ambassadors

~ Working with the Ferguson Commission team ~

Rachel L. Hankerson

Board Member - Regional Affairs Sr. Advisor

Masters in Business Administration

~ Pastor - Lifer Center Int'l Church ~

Diversity at its best! 

This is a photo in January of 2005 of our team.

We installed our new Honorary Co-Chairs, MLB HOF '84

Lou Brock and Rev. Jackie Brock, at this Annual Board Member 'Holiday Gala'!

As a result of four 'round table' discussions the

Saint Louis Ambassadors Launch!

'Mentoring Program' & 'Radio Station'

Below/left: Graduation ceremony and tour at Tower Grove Christian Academy - S. City, St. Louis, MO

Below/right: Church service and tour the Greater St. Mark Family Church - N. County, Ferguson, MO

Photo: (L/R) 5-15-15

Stage (R): Dr. Chris Stocklin and Mike Gregory

Audience: Sixteen Graduates (red caps)

Two Hundred Family & Friend Attendees

Tower Grove Christian Academy

Saint Louis Ambassadors 'Mentoring Program' tour

Photo: (L/R) 5-17-15

Front: Mark Kasen, Jim Fulkrod, Rich Pisani

Back: Rob Mitchel, Mason Weaver, Susan & Cicardi Bruce

Diane Haneklau and MO State Rep & Pastor Tommie Pierson

Greater St. Mark Family Church

Home of WFRG: Ferguson/USA 'Hot Talk Radio' tour

~ Family ~

Being raised in a loving family

is the key to a prospering society!

"A secure family unit will make a profound difference in a local community. It has a positive impact on our children when they grow up safely, admire their elders, respect people in leadership positions, receive a proper education, secure a solid career path

and move forward in life...with their very own family one day!"

Author: unknown, but right on target!

Jane Pauley - Correspondent

CBS Sunday Morning News  

'Voice of Reason'

~ 9-21-14 CBS Interview ~

"I believe the people of Ferguson need jobs...not tear gas!"

Jane Pauley interviewed Marquis Govan, 11, who spoke out the about

justice and the social issues facing Ferguson, MO and is already planning his life in politics.

~ Racism: Oprah Winfrey Show ~ 

'A 25 year look back'

July 25, 2012

'America's Race Problem'

[Published on August 30, 2014 -]

Bill O'Reilly expresses his opinion on Fox News!

  Bill O'Reilly, the staunchly conservative and outspoken nightly news anchor on Fox News, spoke his mind and gave his straightforward opinion in a five minute video on 'America's Race Problem' on August 30, 2014. By some standards it's an overly-frank and direct video about his thoughts on a video that could have been labeled 'The Problem in Black America.' But, it did receive an "atta boy" from Juan Williams who is the well-respected black Fox News contributor and a staunch Democrat. Loyal viewers never thought they would hear this from their very own favorite national news caster...not even on his own show called the "O'Reilly Factor." Some feel it pushes the envelope and that Obama, Jackson and Sharpton - who many label as career race baiters - will have to take a quick and second glance after seeing this video's that direct! 

  Since it came just three weeks after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson (St. Louis County), Missouri many felt that O'Reilly put his career on the line. Conversely, many other people of all colors believe that what he said is the absolute - albeit unfortunate - truth and that most of America already know it, but would never dare speak this truth in public. You decide if it's its all true, partially correct or one hundred percent wrong. It may even raise the hair on your neck, but sharing your opinion and thoughts on how to ease racial tension can be a welcomed conversation. 

  John Parker, who is a very well-known Publicist in St. Louis [MO], National Speaker and author of his third book - 'Sheets to Suits' - stated at the last Saint Louis Ambassadors 'Community Through Unity' meeting in March of 2015 that we - the people - need to "get comfortable with being uncomfortable." when it comes to discussing one's own opinion about the 'Problem of Racism in America.' It's probably easier said than done, but we need to try to 'ease racial tensions' by having people of all races, colors and creeds sit at a round table discussion and talk about it in a cool, calm and collected way.

  This video was posted to YouTube, went viral and was emailed to the Saint Louis Ambassadors for review in their monthly round table 'Community Through Unity' discussions. You'll either agree or disagree with all or some of what he says, but it will make you communicate about the topic of 'America's Race Problem!'

We must try to make a difference!

'Family units unite families...from all walks of life!' 

~ The domino good thing leads to another ~

Education leads to good character, which can help you become an independent

business owner one day. Learning how to protect your rights

in a peaceful way as a citizen in the U.S. speaks

louder than shouting or rioting!

People Helping People...St. Louis Style!

Copyright & Trademark:

No copyright or trademark infringement is intended in the use of any brand names, logos, pictures or videos that have been retrieved from the internet and used on this SBI website. We will immediately remove your mark upon a request from any organization that does not want to be promoted in any page of this site. Please contact Rich Pisani at 314-952-2640 (c)

Electronic Communication:

The transmission of electronic mail to Richard T. Pisani, the president of the four organizations mentioned throughout this website, can be sent directly to This type of communication represents your consent to a two-way communication by internet e-mail with Rich Pisani from any of the four groups he volunteers with. If you receive an an email from him or one of the four organizations outlined below in error, please contact the sender and unsubscribe, request to be deleted from the email list and delete the material you received.

Sponsoring Organization & All-Volunteer Groups:

American Marketing Group, Inc. (, also known as AMG, is proud to be the main sponsor and a fiscal supporter of the Saint Louis Ambassadors (, which is an all-volunteer group that 'promotes community service and goodwill in the entire St. Louis Region' and was established as a Limited Liability Company in the State of Missouri that does not accept dues or funding from any source. Both entity's are advocates of two other all-volunteer groups, which are the 1904 World's Fair Charitable Foundation ( that raises funds for the Forest Park 'beautification program', the St. Louis Zoo 'special projects' and other local charities and the U.S. Small Business Institute, LLC ( that 'volunteers time to serve small businesses and charitable no charge'.

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